My Secret Past Time

If you were to look at me you’d never guess that after a long hard day at the office I like to come home, whip open my laptop, load up World of Warcraft (WoW) and unwind for a few hours questing on my character.


That’s right. It’s that online game that super nerdos play where you choose a character and run around in a made up world. I have a fabulous time completing quests, working on achievements, building up the gear (stuff your character wears and is mostly the point of the game—to get good gear) on my favorite toon (that’s game slang for the character you play) and horsing around with my little brother—who happens to play as well. There’s a healthy sibling rivalry going on…

Of course there are times when I’m cursing at other players for stealing that herb I was going to collect, or killing something I need. And yes I run dungeon scenarios – where there’s a group of people working together (could be people you know or don’t know) to kill big ole monsters-to complete some quests and to get that gear for your favorite toon. So now you know just how nerdy I really am!

For you non-Wowers there’s tons of other stuff to do in the game, not just get gear to keep yourself busy. To name a few: holidays in the game that mimic real holidays (like Valentine’s Day), random goodies and toys, games to play, and hidden treasures around the world to collect. And let’s be honest, one of my favorite things to collect are mounts—things your character can ride/fly on while playing. Oh what’s that you say?? What’s my favorite mount?? Well that’s a tie between my blue/white lion that has a beard and wings and my color changing dragon. I use the term dragon loosely though—since its got giant bug eyes with a helmet and fat legs…and when I describe the mounts that way, maybe they don’t sound as cool…?

winged lion faerie dragon

I’ve played WoW on and off forever- literally before any of the expansions came out and the level cap was 60. Did I mention I was also in a top guild for gear?? For those WoW nerds reading it—you just did a double take—and for those who have not a clue what that means, it’s like I was around during the 1800s and now it’s the 2000s. I am that old.

I remember when this happened

I remember when this happened

I’m also not what people usually would consider a stereotypical WoW player– I’m a woman, have plenty of real friends and other past times like blogging and I also feed, exercise, and bathe myself regularly. At the same time there are days where I will spend a good couple of hours messing around on my toon and hanging out with my online friends doing WoW stuff cause let’s face it—it’s just fun! Nothing says “worth it” when you finally get that epic headpiece that’s taken a month!

Because I am a true WoW player I do have things I dislike about the game. For instance, because I’ve played so long I constantly have to readjust to the next new expansion…it’s annoying when you’ve got great gear but it becomes useless once the expansion hits. I’ve also noticed that people in WoW can be quite rude, demanding and too obsessive for my taste—so often times I like to play on my own (avoid dungeons and guilds) and that way I’m not tied to being online longer than what I want to be. I’ve got more in-depth WoW nit-noid things I don’t like, but really only another WoW player will actually understand my verbal garbage.

Last, but certainly not the least, for my fellow WoW nerds reading this who are interested in my toons (and for those who would like a taste of WoW-ness they are totally missing out on):

I have one level 100-night elf hunter, marksmen/survival—I prefer marksmen and a PvE server- my ilvl should be higher but I refuse to play in dungeons with jerkface people. I’ve also done my fair share of PvPing. I level slowly…just saying. My other two toons: 96-Draeni Priest discipline/shadow. I survive a lot longer as discipline—but played shadow almost the entire time I leveled; 88- Worgen Druid feral—both tank and dps. Tank is the bee’s knees for leveling. Am I right?!

I have other toons but these are the ones I take seriously and actually level and are in guilds. Of course other WoW players will already have picked up on the fact that I’m playing mostly alliance—not horde. But that’s not to say I don’t roll horde on other servers. Translation: I also play opposing faction of horde characters on different servers- I don’t discriminate. I like trolls, undead, and blood elves.

I hope I didn’t get too much into the weeds that non-WoWers couldn’t follow me. If any of these things didn’t make sense feel free to ask me questions or google it—or dare I say go try out the WoW world yourself 😉
