It’s My Birthday

And like most people I like to think I’m the only person in the world special enough to be born on this day –it’s pretty much the best day of every year, even better than Halloween, Christmas and days off of work. In fact, I turned 21 on my Golden Birthday*- whoop whoop- I celebrated it by getting ready to ship off to boot camp….but that’s a different story. The point is 21 April is a truly an auspicious day!

Most people ring in their “New Year,” on the much anticipated and universally accepted January 1st- New Years Day, I however do not. Instead I start my “new year” on my birth date, 21 April. My years always run from 21 April to 21  April (doesn’t that just look good when I write it!).  So even though it’s a Happy Birthday to me, it’s also a Happy New Year.

Around this time I like to think about what I’ve done over the last year, what I’m happy about, annoyed with and/or my accomplishments (or lack there of), I don’t make resolutions per se BUT I do give my self a stern talking to and promise to get more things done the coming year.

So let’s start off on a high note, 5 things I did do right this year:

1.  I DID 4 PULL UPS, when I have several things working against me– least of which is my bum shoulder that doctors said wouldn’t work right again. It was like winning a gold medal in the Olympics, I even gave a victory speech to those people who happen to be in the gym with me that day.

2. EARNED WHO’S WHO OF AMERICAN COLLEGES, an award that recognizes people who are crazy and anal retentive about homework and school, as well as, giving a shit about others. I’m not sure if I really qualified for it, but hey- I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth!

3.  GOT MARRIED. A big life decision rolled into a 30 min. paper signing with Hawaiian music (minus the Elvis officiant–not my decision). I pat myself on the back for marrying the right person for me, I wish everyone the same luck.

4.  SURVIVED A HEART VIRUS (not that I was dying–but it felt like it).  Definitely makes you appreciate the little things in life, like walking, regular blood flow…stuff like that.

5.  RECOGNIZED THAT I NEED TO CHANGE CAREERS. Logically, to escape the cycle of horrible Innatek jobs, I have to leave my career field. For those who are 10 years into a career, starting from the bottom again is highly annoying.

And on only slightly less high note, things I could do better this new year:

1. GET BACK TO THE GYM. Gain back my 15 pounds of muscle I miss and compete in some sort of fitness competition (TBD).

2.  PUT MY DEGREE TO BED. It’s pretty much in the bag, but the bigger problem I’m facing now is what will be my next degree. Maybe I should figure it out.

3. TRY TO PULL OFF MY WEDDING–something that says fantabulous,  I didn’t spend a lot and I didn’t even try. No problem.

4. TRAVEL. Specifically visit Auschwitz, yes that place where Jews were taken to be exterminated during World War II. I believe every human should have to acknowledge it and experience it so that history will never repeat itself.

5. BE A BETTER HUMAN. Whether it’s volunteering to help someone else or recognizing my own flaws and trying to improve myself, it not only benefits me as a person, but will ultimately benefit society.

There are no morals or teachings to be learned from this, you simply have access to my blog and read about the things I’m currently thinking about…..feel free to start your own personal New Year…but let’s not make it a “thing,” I don’t want to run into someone who is telling me about their New Years celebration on 21 April….I’ll be soo pissed!



*Golden Birthday: for those not versed in the birthday lingo and tradition, it simply means the year that your age corresponds with the day of the month in which you were born. Example: if you were born May 23rd, your golden birthday would be when you turn 23.